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Hero's Journey (Monomyth): the function of allies

my anti-hero doesn't seem to have many friends at all. he has an
animal familiar that travels with him, but no real allies outside of
that. also, there are several antagonists (including the one that
killed his mentor). These antagonists don't really have a whole lot
to do with one another other than they don't get along with eachother
either. My question is, is this okay to do? lets say there are 3
antagonists against my anitihero for different reasons... what are
the rules here? do they need to have something in common somehow?
can you think of any movies that are still like this?

ANSWER doesn't matter and they don't need to have anything in common - your Hero will have Four Core Challenges - each of which could be one of your antagonists; each of which provides one of the Challenges (see web site). Remember, every story is about Transformation and the process of that Transformation is the Hero's Journey.

The ally thing is not about having to have friends etc... each ally has a particular function. When you look at the template, you will have to figure out what that ally's function is and what it should be in the context of your story. Then just substitute anything as long as that anything performs the function.
