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Hero's Journey (Monomyth) and Story Structure: Raglan Pattern and the Christ figure


The hero's mother is a royal virgin;

His father is a king, and

Often a near relative of his mother, but

The circumstances of his conception are unusual, and

He is also reputed to be the son of a god,

At birth an attempt is made, usually by his father or maternal grandfather, to kill him, but

He is spirited away, and

Reared by foster-parents in a far country.

We are told nothing of his childhood, but

On reaching manhood, he returns or goes to his future kingdom.

After a victory over the king and/ir a giant dragon or wild beast,

He marries a princess, often the daughter of his predecessor, and

Becomes king.

For a time he reigns uneventfully, and

Prescribes laws, but

Later he loses favor with the gods and/or his subjects, and

Is driven from the throne and his city, after which

He meets with a mysterious death,

Often at the top of a hill.

His children, if any, do not succeed him.

His body is not buried, but nevertheless

He has one or more holy sepulchres.

(Thomas C. Foster, How to Read Literature Like a Professor, p. 119-20)

crucified, wounds in the hands, feet, side, and head

in agony


good with children

good with loaves, fishes, water, wine

thirty-three years of age when last seen

employed as carpenter

known to use humble modes of transportation, feet or donkeys preferred

believed to have walked on water

often portrayed with arms outstretched

known to have spent some time in the wilderness

believed to have had a confrontation with the devil, possibly tempted

last seen in the company of thieves

creator of many aphorisms and parables

buried, but arose on the third day

had disciples, twelve at first, although not all equally devoted

very forgiving

came to redeem an unworthy world

unmarried, preferably celibate

wounded or marked in the hands, feet, or side (crown of thorns extra credit)

sacrificing yourself in some way for others (your life is best, and your sacrifice doesn't have to be willing)
